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Outreach Events

Our Recent Outreach 

SuGo Bot Workshop

The SuGo bot workshop was an outreach event done at Nova Playlabs, where each team member was assigned 2-3 elementary school kids and taught them to construct their own robot and express their creativity through the creation of a functioning robot.


BristleBot Workshop

The BristleBot workshop was also done at NoVa Playlabs but aimed at a age group of more younger kids than the SuGo Bot workshop, where kids had a hands-on experience in the designing and creation of their own battery-powered bots, and got to learn about the  inner functionings of motors and batteries, and how it powers a simple robot.


Navy Elementary

We have been doing outreach at navy for the past 3 years to raise awareness about our FTC Team and STEM in the community. This year, we displayed our robot to elementary schoolers and helped parents and students learn more about the FIRST Program through hands-on experiences.


USPTO and Booz Allen & Hamilton

At USPTO and Booz Allen & Hamilton, we went on an outreach event to promote FIRST robotics and show the robot that we have been working on this year. We also went and helped the participants of the program on building the FLL field parts.


Children’s Science Center

At the Children’s Science Center Lab, we shared what FIRST is with kids and encouraged parents to look into robotics. We hoped to show that FIRST is open to everyone and the program helps teach the basics of engineering and the engineering process.


Girls Exploring STEM

Girls Exploring STEM is a club that would promote girls to do STEM related activities and potentially pursue it in college. We started with getting girls in our school to do STEM related activities by having seminars with professional women in the fields of engineering, reaching out to our local elementary schools to get younger students involved in STEM.


Franklin Middle School

Franklin Middle School has recently seen a decline in its technology department, so the team volunteered to help the new technology teacher get accustomed to the teaching environment by introducing her to engineering software and organizations such as FIRST.


Working with Other Teams

Thunderbots is a new FTC robotics team that is based at Chantilly High School. There were a few students interested in robotics but since we didn’t have enough spots on our team they were actually able to create their own team. We have been helping them start up and understand the basics of this year's competition. We have also connected with other FTC teams, such as Nuts and Bolts and Xtreme voltage to test our robots as well as share ideas with each other.


Taste of Chantilly

Taste of a Chantilly was a social event at school during Homecoming weekend that was a very beneficial event for fundraising and raising awareness about our FTC Team to the community.

Boy Scouts

We had a boy scout troop come in during one of our meetings and talked to them about STEM and the FIRST program. We let them drive around some robots and learn about the different mechanisms. Afterwards, we let them build sugobots and battle them. They learned about the different sensors and motors on the NXT.


Best Buddies

This is a club that does activities for kids with disabilities and we did an event with them to show our robot to the kids and let them drive it around. It was a great experience teaching them about robotics and helping them drive the robot.


International Outreach

Our members went out to some areas in the US like California, but some of our international revenues include  Mexico, Germany, the Netherlands, and India. Our goal was not just to pass out as many flyers as possible but to find people with a background in technology and engage in a conversation about STEM. They gave us advice about constructing robotics and areas around technology.

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